Virtual Integration with ADS
MA700 High Lift System Model Based Virtual System Integration
TechSAT has delivered a HP-MDVS (High Performance MDVS) to QAG, the system supplier of AVIC MA700 High Lift System (HLS) for system level requirement validation and system virtual integration.
The HP-MDVS Platform is an ADS2 based multi-node generic real time system for hosting and integration of multiple real time simulation models.
The models and simulations of HLS running on HP-MDVS are created with Matlab/Simulink, SCADE and Modelica.
System Configuration
Software Packages
- ADS2 / Core
- ADS2 / Toolbox
- ADS2 / Simulink
- ADS2 / FMI
- ADS2 / TPM
- ADS2 / IOGen
- ADS2 / TFG
Hardware Packages
- Simulation cluster with 5 ADS2 Real Time Nodes, used for
- Aircraft System Simulations
- High Lift Controller Simulation
- High Lift System Simulation
- Aircraft and Environment Simulation
- Simulation Control, Automatic Testing, Recording, Replay.
Application Logical Architecture
Use Cases
The purpose of the HP-MDVS is
to support development of multi domain models of HLS system for System Design Validation in the early phase. Due to model based development approach of MA700 HLS, the models are migrated to HLS System Simulator (HLSS) and Integration Rig (HLSIR) for (sub)system integration and final formal verification.
Model Integration
The MA700 HLS System components are created in models with Matlab/Simulink, SCADE or Modelica including Aerodynamic Flap model, Mechanic Transmissions models, Hydraulics Actuation models, Power Control Units Models, Electric Motors models, Sensor Models, Controller System models. The environment models like interfaced Aircraft System models and Generic Aircraft model are also created.
The HP-MDVS provides the platform for hosting and integration of multiple real time simulation models:
- Execution platform for the simulations
- Scheduling of simulations according to the configured scheduling parameters.
- Real time, deterministic data exchange between the simulation.
Test Frame Generation from Model
- Automatic generation of glue code between model and ADS2
- Generation of interface configuration
- Generation Graphical Control Panels
System Design Validation
After integration all models in HP-MDVS, the HLS system functions can be validated against system specification based on the integrated virtual HLS system.
The HP-MDVS provides supporting tools for
- Monitoring
- Recording
- Offline Data View
- Automatic Testing, including model coverage support for SCADE